This is the controller for a new game console called the Nintendo Wii the G20. Doesn't the controller look familiar?
Today is April 7th, the last day before the worldwide phaseout of Microsoft's Windows XP operating system. While…
Simple dough, made from flour and water is used for everything from feeding the masses to making toys in China.…
According to Chinese site Xinhuanet, a 60-something year-old farmer in Guangdong province built this space shuttle…
While today is April 1st, this is apparently no joke. The air quality in Chinese city Zhengzhou is awful and listed…

Oh China. The Middle Kingdom, the home of kung-fu and pandas, is one of the hottest travel and study destinations in…

Last week, one of the hottest topics online in China was an egg. Not just any egg, but rather an egg hardboiled in…
Pre-paid charge cards for video games have been around for ages. They had them for NeoPets, they had them for Nexon…

Until he retired last year, Taka Kato was one of Japan's most famous male porn stars. He recently appeared in a…
China's pollution is bad. It's a huge problem. The air quality in Beijing has even been compared to a nuclear…
Bumblebee, Optimus Prime and other Transformers have risen from junked parts in Jinan, China.
You read that headline right. Chinese internet giant NetEase will soon be selling pork.

Architecture is art. Some buildings are just cool to look at. Others are mesmerising and hypnotic, like one compound…
People in the textile industry work hard. But imagine instead of spending the day making Polo shirts or slacks, they…

With all the turmoil in Crimea, a press conference clip of the new Prosecutor of the Crimean republic, Natalia…
I seriously hope you're not eating breakfast while reading this post. In fact, if you are, I apologize.
Internet slang for the most part is, well, meaningless but interesting slang. In China, one phrase from the giant…

Recently a video appeared online across Chinese social media creating a buzz among Chinese gamers. The video,…
Do not kiss snapping turtles. I repeat. Do. Not. Because kissing snapping turtles will end in tears. Don't believe…
By now, with all the press about China, you've probably have some idea in your heads that certain Chinese cities are…