In an almost "weird that it didn't happen sooner" kind of way, Chinese state media reports that two Chinese…
Sometimes you can see the darndest things from a car window. Things like this.
Many game developers are rushing towards mobile phones as a place to release their games. Nintendo, however, has…
It's summer. It's hot. In China, some college students have figured out a way to beat the heat: Inflatable pools…
Throughout the years, China Joy has been labeled various names by both the foreign and Chinese press. Some have…
Chinese students, like students across the world, have summer break: a time when they're free to pursue…
While politicians bickered, one thing China and Japan could always find common ground on was anime. And, uh,…
People dress up as famous characters and ask for money all the time. But how many of them dress as Bumblebee and…
So, the Xbox One's going to launch in China. Big whoop right? From Microsoft's press briefings, the system will…
Peaches have long been compared to backsides. Because, well, peaches look like tushes! And now, thanks to some…
Microsoft is going to be able to start selling the Xbox One to the more than one billion people living in China …
Pro-gamers dedicate long hours honing their skills to compete on a world class level. According to one team…
When some male animals attract mates, they often present themselves in a way that shows off their virility. This…
Twenty-nine year-old S.W.A.T. team member Hou Weilin wasn't able to get time off from work to take wedding photos,…
A man in Nanjing, China owns a Tron Light Cycle replica—make that, a Tron Light Cycle he cannot ride on the…
Following up on the faux cabbage pet trend that fooled some Western media is this: crab walking. It is not a trend…
How much is a life worth? In China, apparently about $120,000. That's how much the family of a 19-year-old young…
The Chinese Military has some pretty interesting toys. Some of them are pretty crappy, some of them are knockoffs,…
No, I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyway. Or the rest of this month, for that matter.
Over the weekend, fast food companies in China have come under attack after an undercover report by the media…