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Bumblebee Begging on the Streets for a Trip to Cybertron

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People dress up as famous characters and ask for money all the time. But how many of them dress as Bumblebee and ask for money for a trip back to Cybertron?

Recently in Chengdu, China, the cosplayer was spotted with a sign asking for ten yuan so he could find Optimus Prime and get back to Cybertron.

As seen on Sohu, here is the sign, which reads, "Help! Give me 1o yuan to find my brother Optimus and return to Cybertron."


And here are the authorities taking him away.

Maybe to... Cybertron?

某地一男子模仿"大黄蜂"装扮在街边求路费回塞伯坦星球 [Sohu]

Top photo: xoxoszemin

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