"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the BREAKING EXPERIMENT, where all the all the Sims are harmed in the making of…
It all started with a simple investigation: how many Sims can one fit in a grid in The Sims 4? Then, everything gets…
"Hey, stop looking at my screen!" is a pretty common refrain when people are playing competitive multiplayer games…
This past weekend, literally this last Saturday and Sunday, millions of Chinese high school students sat through a…
Discussions around Mario Kart 8 are getting heated as the moment, as players have discovered a new technique some…
If you're a PC player who's breaking the rules in Titanfall, you'll still be able play the hit sci-fi FPS. But…
Richard Turner may not be able to see, but that doesn't mean he cant destroy you when it comes to cards. Rightly so:…
Over the weekend, the developers of open-world ex-zombie survival game Rust have deployed their newly-created…
With the best intentions in the world, Sony recently opened up a competition called Bid For Greatness, which would…
How badly do you want to win? Enough that you'd pay to strap on a gaming headset that shocks your brain? Maybe that…
You know the drill: Biology professor tells students their upcoming exam is going to be insanely difficult. But…
The free iPhone word game 4 Pics 1 Word is pretty damn popular. So popular that an app that allows players to cheat…
I can tell you exactly when I ruined Pokemon for myself. It was when I enlisted the help of an Action Replay and an…
If you play Halo 4 multiplayer, chances are you've heard about the rumored headless Spartans that you can't kill.…
After noticing that a cool three million people were playing Wooga's gem clicker Diamond Dash on Facebook, reader…
Maybe you reached your skill plateau despite constant practice. Maybe the odds are against you. Maybe you're just a…
Diablo III has its share of annoyances—lost progress due to connection difficulties, the delayed auction house,…
A man who applies a particular mental skill to play Blackjack, counting cards, will eventually find security…
Now that BioWare has instituted fixes limiting the number of Republic and Imperial players taking part in each…
With players dancing their way out of trouble in BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic, commenter Raso719 wonders…