Finding an online match in Call of Duty: Black Ops should be a little less of a chore today, as a full title update…
Call of Duty Black Ops set a five-day record for getting people to part with their money, according to its creators…
Click to viewHey there! Are you a busy person on-the-go and don't have time to get stupider? ESPN has a six-minute…
For a game based on a historical period and littered with historical figures, the latest Call of Duty game sure does…
At first this kill video from Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer seems unremarkable. But then they slow it down…
In this detailed graphic and CPU performance write-up, Tech Spot takes a look at how Call of Duty: Black Ops'…
Never one to turn down a promotional event, Japanese celebrity Uno Kanda gets down and dirty for Call of Duty:…
Call of Duty: Black Ops wasn't a huge game for just Activison and Treyarch, it was also a big deal for Mad Catz,…
Your AI buddies in Black Ops may not be able to shoot the hinges, but they can shoot hundreds of heavily-armed…
My first, perhaps my only visit to Cuba came last week in a video game that asked me to kill the man responsible…
I didn’t enjoy Black Ops as much as some others did, but it was still a pretty good shooter. Oh, except for the fact…
The Call of Duty games are intricately-scripted affairs, ones that rush you along a pre-determined path at a…
When I was thirteen, Ice-T was the baddest dude on the planet, rapping about pushing dope and killing cops. There…
Call of Duty: Black Ops developer Treyarch has pushed live an update for the PC version of the game, promising to…
You're a giant video game company. You've released StarCraft II this year, and Call of Duty: Black Ops is selling…
This image of active Call of Duty: Black Ops players was snapped by reader The Dude at 11 p.m. eastern time last…
About 5.6 million people bought copies of Call of Duty: Black Ops in North America and the United Kingdom on…
Eminem's "Won't Back Down" was the soundtrack to Black Ops' American trailer. While the hip-hop star has a…
If you care deeply about pixel counts and frame rate—or are simply still on the fence about which console version of …
David Vonderhaar is not a happy guy. The design director for Call of Duty: Black Ops' multiplayer is busy dealing…