We have known since August that the enormously popular Day Z mod to Arma II would be developed into its own…
Earlier this month, news broke that two game developers were arrested in Greece for "spying". The developers had…
According to reports out of Greece, two Czech citizens have been arrested for "spying". They were caught with photos…

I've talked about Carrier Command here before, somewhat enthusiastically, but for those who just can't see what…
Call of Duty be damned, there's only one game involving army men that I'm interested in this year, and that's…
"I could barely see my vision was so blurry and grey but I wasn't going down without a fight. I squeezed off as many…
In case you needed further proof of the strength of the PC market, or the importance of allowing mods in PC games,…

DayZ is the kind of game that leaves you on edge at all times. You never know when you're going to be ambushed and…
The cult sensation DayZ has reached 500,000 users, according to a tweet from the DayZ team. That's a lot of killers,…
DayZ, the Arma II mod that places players in a tense, realistic survival against a zombie outbreak, is easily one of…

Have I gushed about ArmA III lately? OK, fine, have I done it today? No? Then let's continue.

I didn't go to E3 this year. If I had, I'd have run straight to Bohemia Interactive and sat down with military sim…

I've been chipping away at Carrier Command's beta for a while now, and telling most people who'll listen how much…

Zombie mod DayZ might have military sim ArmA 2 sitting atop Steam's sale charts at the moment, but this clip…

Hopefully you've been following along with the saga of DayZ, Dean Hall's amazing, brutal Arma II mod that adds…

Bohemia Interactive's Arma 3 has been looking good for a long while. This video demonstrates the aspects of the…
One of the things that makes zombie survival sim DayZ so difficult is that players start the game without a map.…

DayZ might be the talk of the PC gaming town at the moment, but for all its qualities at the end of the day it's…

Bohemia Interactive's remake of the classic Carrier Command will be out on September 27 on both PC and Xbox 360.