The internet is drowning in Samus fan art, but this beautiful image, complete with subtle redesign, might just be my…
Sword and Sworcery is an elegant iOS game (now on PC, Mac and Linux). Its quaint, pixelated art is equally charming.
Like almost every other game set in the future, multiplayer mech shooter Hawken looks bleak. Pollution, dark skies,…
Artist Invader has a theme: Space Invaders. His homages to the little 8-bit enemies show up all over the world, on…
The materials artist Bruce Mahalski uses are hardly typical—neither is what he creates with them. He works with…
Russian artist Amales has been featured here on Kotaku before. For her ferrets. But boy, in the time since, she's…
Canadian artist Dean Reeves has taken Star Wars back to a galaxy an even longer time ago, away from the 1970s and…

Watch British artist Shanna May draw this cute Zelda painting in just four minutes. Ocarina not necessary.
Designers Jeremiah Shaw & Danny Jones have set up a site called Geo a Day. The idea is simple. It's a "daily…
At this year's Tokyo Game Show, Square Enix is showcasing how various illustrators and manga artists envision Final…
Mobius strips are pretty neat on their own. You can cut them down the center, and it'll just make it longer. You can…

On display at the XOXO Indie Arcade event in Portland, this Minecraft project has only two blocks. But they're…
This summer, talented internet person Ninjazzy made the original 151 Pokémon in clay. That's impressive! It's even…
Mario may be identifiable as the sun to the wider population, but there's a generation of gamers coming of age who…
That is no lie. Sculptor Duncan Shirah uses wood and metal to create his stunning—and sometimes geeky—works of art.
Four very fake, very awesome Adventure Time labels for old Famicom cartridges, for those dreams where you're running…
"Pure" can have a lot of interpretations. For artist Andrew Miller (whose work we've covered before) and his "Brand…

Artist and animator Paul Robertson, who we've been secretly in love with for a long time now, may be best known…

Props genius Harrison Krix has been making a few helmets based on those found in Skyrim, and they've all been…
In today's special later-than-normal, screw the top-right box edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Slagathorian…