Where have you been in the last few years? I don't mean in the real world. I mean in that other world. The one where …
Despite the depth-of-field effects, this isn't a statue. It's a 3D model of Link, done by games artist Chris Brincat.
Sir John Gurdon might have had an awful school report as a kid, but he has the most amazing hair Cambridge has ever…
Etsy is just chock full of gems like these mashup style posters by Robert Mangaoang. Making sense of two themes…
Artist Andrea Gerstmann has some ideas for Star Wars' most famous droids. In particular, what they can wear this…
Back in 2011, photographer Natsumi Hayashi burst on the scene. Her series of photos, which she posted online as…
Makaon has a hobby. She likes to make sculptures of pop culture characters as well as insects, animals, and more.…
The delightful Zac Gorman, who must be a good person if he loves Wind Waker this damn much, has come up with both a…
Just when I thought I was done with Skyrim, it goes and pulls me back in. This time, though, it's no fault of the…
Tetris-inspired furniture may not be new, but in this case, it's never looked better.
A while back, Fez developers Polytron released a shirt featuring a not-real gaming handheld called the Polytron…
Montana native Richard "Flaptraps" Anderson is an artist with a decade's worth of experience in the fields of video…
Call me crazy, but this is the kind of realism I want from my Sonic games, not regrettable mouth-kissing or a…
Sculptor Andrea Eusebi is the target for your applause here with this stunning recreation - and reinterpretation -…
Minecraft is as full of dirt and underground junk as the real world, so it may as well get its own periodic table of…
Mechanical sidekick Claptrap, one of the few constants between the first Borderlands and the second, is the subject…
Capcom is sponsoring an art installation in East London. That sounds innocuous, except that said art installation…