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Sword & Sworcery, Pixelated Versus Spray Painted

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Sword and Sworcery is an elegant iOS game (now on PC, Mac and Linux). Its quaint, pixelated art is equally charming.

But we haven't seen many renditions of that memorable, triumphant thrust of the main character's sword-hand into the midnight sky quite like this. That is to say, we've never seen stencils of that scene sprayed out on a slab of rock wall. It's like night and day compared to the in-game screen you see below.

The work you see above is the product of Lucas Bergen and Colton Floris, spray painting over stencils they'd made in an art class. Perhaps this will be their official tag, seen across rock slabs all over the world.


"Sword and Stencilry" - stencils by Lucas Bergen & Colton Floris [Tumblr via Twitter]