Last week in advance of its E3 2012 debut, Power A's MOGA mobile gaming system is a complete controller solution…
Last week in advance of its E3 2012 debut, Power A's MOGA mobile gaming system is a complete controller solution…
Can't get enough food porn? Want more gadget porn? Well then, munch on this.
This past weekend, readers alerted us to an absolutely contemptible ripoff on the iTunes App Store. Someone had…
Zombie Carnaval seems to be a straightforward endless-runner. It's got a zany soundtrack, outlandish…
I love thunderstorms. They're oddly relaxing. I love fireflies, too, and anyone who also grew up in a backyard full…
Just in case you weren't put off by the lack of any kind of mention of Valve Software, advance warning of the game's…
You hear rumours of Apple entering the console business once every, oh, six months or so. Maybe that'll slow down…
Sony's "Music Unlimited" app, a streaming music service in the vein of Spotify, is launching this week for iPhone…
Their main business may be games and related accessories but GameStop also sells refurbished iPods, iPads and…
The best zombie games are those that let you play as the decaying, walking, blood-thirsty corpses rather than…
This is AP-PEL "Steve J" Caesar, a tribute to the late Apple co-founder put together by toy company threeA. It's…
Your living room is the setting of your next first-person shooter. Or maybe its your front yard. Or your office.…
Famed role-playing game music composer Nobuo Uematsu. Scenario writer Kazushige Nojima (Final Fantasy VII and Final…
Scrolling and swiping. Flat on her back, a young girl in Taiwan was playing with an iPad on her bed. When she got…
The latest iOS version of The King of Fighters, The King of Fighters-i 2012, features a beefy rooster with 32…
Last month, a 12 year-old girl was caught trying to smuggle iPhones into Shenzhen, China from Hong Kong.
People give the mobile-game developer Gameloft guff for making games that are perhaps overly-"inspired" by other…
In China, workers' rights kind of suck! So when the folks who make your game consoles and electronics want to…
Folks in China are apparently putting their iPhones under their nostrils and giving them a good old sniff. What do…
Last night on Japanese television, Prime Minister Noda appeared in a Q&A. To his side sat a young participant in…