The moment my iPad or iPad Touch's screen illuminates my finger hones in on the blue icon with the pencil, ruler and…
This is an intervention. While most of the gaming world has thankfully moved on from stupid countdown clocks…
Sometimes you settle in for some PC gaming or web surfing. And you just don't get up. You can feel your bum go numb…
Animal Crossing: New Leaf is currently one of the most popular 3DS games in Japan. It hit the shelves on November…
China was one of the first countries to recognize internet addiction as a psychological illness—and then beat the…
Take the addictive bubble-popping gameplay of Bust-a-Move, toss in the enticing random chance of Peggle, and you've…
South Korea's Jang Na-ra is known throughout Asia as a singer and an actress. Add something else to her resume:…
A UK-based charity treatment group is preparing for what they believe will become the next major addiction issue:…
A mother writes in to Australia's Telegraph to complain that World of Warcraft has turned her 13-year-old son into…
A Pennsylvania lawyer is blaming an addiction to video games for his shoddy work on a multitude of cases, the York…
When attempting kick the cigarette habit, tasks and activities once associated with smoking make the cravings…
Internet Addiction is a growing problem for millions around the globe, but in more wired countries the problem is…
Playing video games is normally a harmless hobby, but when a game consumes every single waking hour of your…
South Korea this week passed a new law that would ban children under the age of 15 from playing online games between…
The dangers of internet addiction in China were demonstrated yesterday, when an unidentified 30-year-old man…
There is a war raging right now in China, and it's against online addiction. The latest recruits aren't doctors or…
It looks like torture, and for children In South Korea that are used to playing video games non-stop, ruining their…
Playing video games is normal. A new study tries to pinpoint when it isn't, claiming that one in ten are addicted.
This year, famed film critic Roger Ebert said games could never be art — a mistake he later admitted. While Ebert…
When Jodie Sweetin was 13, Full House was canceled. The actress, who played Stephanie Tanner, grew up, got married…