Super Mario Galaxy 2 hits North America on May 23, Nintendo of America's Cammie Dunaway told a group of writers…
The DSi XL hits North America on March 28 for $189.99, Nintendo of America's Cammie Dunaway told a group of writers…
Family Go-Kart Racing, Flipper, Faceez, and Flight Control welcome you to this week's downloadable celebration of…
Rumors of a new DS make this kind of news a little juicier: Nintendo at the end of last month filed an addendum to a…
The latest Nintendo-published downloadable game for the DS may be one of the worst-named Nintendo games of all time.…
Beyonce nails sitting on a couch with a DSi. But not so much her interview afterward.
Capcom takes advantage of the Nintendo DS's download capability today, putting up a demo for Ace Attorney…
Dark Void Zero is built around not one, but two stories.
Nintendo gets your Pokémon collection started with these figures of Ho-Oh and Lugia, yours when you preorder…
The new Nintendo DSi XL - already out in Japan, where it's known as the DSi LL - will be released in Europe in…
We asked readers to get off their duffs and try to convert people into Zelda fanatics... and to document themselves…
It must be tough for lesser-known games when the Nintendo Download contains a big-name title like Phoenix Wright:…
It may only be two hours long, but Capcom's 8-bit DSi Dark Void prequel doesn't feel like a bit of fancy marketing.
Satisfying the unknown need for a thinking-person's Breakout, Trajectile is (psst) a new DSiWare game from the…
An oblique reference to a DS successor helped turn Satoru Iwata's interview with Japan's leading newspaper into a…
Memorex, not willing to cede the lucrative gaming Nintendo peripheral market to the likes of Energizer, Mad Catz…
Don't forget to look over and vote for your favorite finalist in our Zelda contest.
In advance of next week's December NPD results, Nintendo is calling the holiday season a huge success, with U.S.…
Ever download a video game to a console or handheld and want a refund? Tough. Can't do it. But in the world of…
Last month... last year we asked you to show your Zelda pride not just by bragging about your ability to buy things…