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Sunday Coupons: GameStop Gives Us Credit

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You can still find 13-month Xbox Live cards for $30, or 3-month subs with the Lost & Damned DLC. Plus, GameStop is opening up store credit like a subprime lender from 2004.

Last week, Best Buy offered the 13 month XBL card for $29.99. It's back to full price there, but Toys R Us is now running its own $29.99 special. Like BB, the card is sold out online, almost immediately, so check in-store. CheapCollege Gamer notes it's rare for these things to be on sale at the same time. I'm beginning to wonder if this is a rolling-thunder campaign to get you to waltz into Microsoft's preferred retailing partners, where you might be inclined to buy something else.


• Warner Brothers Online is offering 25 percent off of F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin, with the code WBSURVYJ9. The same code is redeemable it for PS3 or Xbox 360. That more or less knocks the price down to $35.


• At Amazon, buying Grand Theft Auto: The Lost & Damned gets you a free three months of Xbox Live gold. So, who knows what's going on with XBL. The deal's good through Saturday.


GameStop wants your used games - but remember, they're not taking original Xbox titles anymore, as of tomorrow. If you have useful stuff you want to get rid of and apply it to a Street Fighter IV, they'll add on 20 percent of your trade-in value, but the full amount must go to your SFIV purchase. If you don't want Street Fighter IV but you do have some 360 games you want to get rid of, that coupon below will give you an additional 25 percent store credit. Finally, if you've been coveting a 360 Elite, buying that gets you a $50 gift card, which is more or less like a free game. These offers are good through Thursday, Feb. 12.


As always, smart shoppers know where to find deals any day of the week, so feel free to hit the comments and add the steals and deals you've made.