Well, as someone who doesn’t like Tom Brady and lives in the Kansas City area, that wasn’t my favorite Super Bowl to watch. But it did provide us with a great topic for last week’s contest.
Our winning image this week comes from Richardrae1 who sends Luigi to the moon, like a GameStop stock.

Some fantastic entries this week! I was curious to see how well your skills and humor would mix with football. The results were better than I expected, and I always expect great entries. Good job team! Go football stuff! Sports. I’m a bad head coach. Sorry.
Anyway, you can check out the original post to see all the entries, but here are some of my favorites.

That’s it for this week’s contest! If your creation didn’t win, don’t worry! There’s always tomorrow when I’ll be back with a new ‘Shop Contest. And you can check out all our previous winners here!