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'Shop Contest: Death Stranding Baby, Winners!

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Last week your wonderful readers took the baby from Death Stranding and took it on some grand adventures. I got a ton of entries this week and narrowing it down to 1 winner and just 10 runner-ups was a hard task. Maybe as hard as taking a baby across the country while dodging...ghosts? I think. I still don’t know what Death Stranding actually is about.

Anyways, our winning image this week comes from ThatTeach who takes one of the best sidequests in The Witcher 3 and adds a subtle change. Did you notice it? The baby is not the same baby.

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I was honestly surprised by how creative you folks got this week. When I first posted this contest I was worried it might be too hard or weird. You all proved me wrong. I guess I need to make things more challenging in the future. Hmmm..


You can check out the original post to see all the entries, but here are some of my favorites.

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Shinfo13 wins the award for “Worst Theme Park Inspiration.”

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vgMusic2000 grabs the award for “Best Reason To Nerf Mei.”

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Cameron Hall receives the award for “Weirdest Madden 19 Glitch.”

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Erick Cartman snags the award for “Looks Like An Actual Photo, Wow.”

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Bob The Rock wins the award for “Best Entry Not Involving The Pit. YOU Know the Pit I’m Talking About. Don’t Press Your Luck Buddy. This Is A Fight You Will Lose.”

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Neuroplastique II gets the award for “Worst New Boss.”

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LeetElite is given the award for “METAL GEAR... BABY?!?”

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Epictacosam receives the award for “Most Disgusting Energy Drink.”

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amazingmao snags the award for “Longest Film Ever Made.”

Image for article titled 'Shop Contest: Death Stranding Baby, Winners!

And finally, Mrichston wins the award for “Deadliest Mech Pilot.”

That’s it for this week’s contest! If your creation didn’t win, don’t worry! There’s always tomorrow when I’ll be back with a new ‘shop contest.