Last month, we first told you about the upcoming Pepsi promotion that would see daily giveaways of Rock Band downloadable tracks, allegedly up to a million tracks. Details on that promotion have gone live.
While the official site doesn't make notable mention of the million Rock Band tracks rumored to be given away, it does confirm other details, including the opportunity to win an MTV Music Awards "Moonman" by making your own Rock Band music video.
It appears that MTV, MTV Games and Pepsi will also be giving away Xbox 360s and Rock Band 2 Special Edition bundles via the "under the cap" contest.
We've contacted reps from all parties involved to see if they'd like to comment on the matter this time and will let you know.
Drink Rock Win [Yahoo!]
Rumor: Pepsi Giving Away 1 Million Rock Band Tracks This Summer [Kotaku]