There comes a time in the week to reflect on what got into my reporter's notebook but didn't turn into Kotaku blog posts. Shall we?
Drone Confusion: Last week, right here in Notebook Dump, I posted about Mass Effect 2's helper drones, having held that information out of an earlier preview until I had gotten some details in my notebook confirmed. Turns out that the confirmation I got from BioWare and EA wasn't quite on the money. Thankfully, one of the game's top designers dropped me a line to clear things up. So Dumpers, head on back to last week's updated entry to find out the proper details on the ME2 drones.
FOX'd: The Fox News network made some news on Kotaku due to how they covered the terrorism level of Modern Warfare 2 (the most troubling thing for me was that they didn't even talk about that topic for most of the segment). Later in the week, I showed up on MSNBC to talk about the same stuff. But did you know I made it to Fox today, as well? I was on their online show, with a less skeptical crew. We talked Mario as well. I'd share a link if I could find one. I was on the 11/13 episode of Gadgets and Games. It streamed live here but doesn't seem to have hit the archives yet.
What Reggie's Playing: I interviewed Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime today and will have a lot more from that interview soon. One minor detail not worth a post of its own but fun enough to shareis his mention of which game he'll be dislodging from his DS once the new Zelda is released: Scribblenauts.
A Few Discs: I met with Square-Enix people today to check out their holiday and early 2010 line-up. It was interesting to be with their U.S. PR reps just minutes after the release-date announcement trailer went live. One rep was happily refreshing GameTrailers, marveling at the rise in traffic on the clip. Given the excitement about the date, which promises both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 releases of the game on March 9, 2010 in North America and Europe, I asked a question I see our readers asking frequently: How many discs will the 360 version require? The Square reps recalled that this was mentioned in a developer interview earlier this year and said that the goal is 3-4 discs. While we will know a lot more about Final Fantasy XIII once it is released in Japan in December, it seems that details about the 360 version — which isn't coming out in Japan — may take longer to become clear.
I feel bad that I've got so much stuff in my notebook that I haven't shared, but most of it is full-post-worthy. Be sure to be back next week! I'll be back on the site this weekend, hopefully, with a report from Nintendo's re-creation of the Mushroom Kingdom at the Nintendo World Store in New York City.
Oh, and that silly shot at the top of this post was taken Monday evening at a Modern Warfare 2 New York public demo event. A company set up a green screen and promised people the chance to be added into a Modern Warfare 2 screenshot. I was expecting something a little more Forrest Gump. But it's funny anyway, yes?