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Not All Game Gifts are the Video Variety

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We've inundated you with gift guides galore, but if you need something your family - especially if you're the only gamer - can play, some thought-provoking board games might do the trick.

You can always go with an old reliable like the Settlers of Catan (I played that for the first time over Thanksgiving; good game, the Cities & Knights expansion is kinda meh.) The Associated Press dug a little deeper and came up with seven recommendations.


Jungle Speed
Say Anything
Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries
Incan Gold
Battlestar Galactica


From the writeups, Incan Gold (a risk-reward based game of exploration) sounds like the most fun, and Say Anything sounds like the most social. Well, so long as you not required to stand outside the house holding up a boom box playing "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. Because that's kinda stalky.


Gift Guide: Table Alternatives to Video Games [Associated Press via AOL]