Because pop culture tie-ins are an adult sneaker thing now, Nike is releasing a line of shoes based on Netflix’s Stranger Things. Thankfully, they are a lot more tasteful than the announcement itself might have you believe.
Rather than just releasing a bunch of sneakers based on characters (which admittedly would be hard for a show like this), Nike has instead decided to centre everything around two themes: Hawkins High, the school the kids all go to, and Independence Day 1985, a central focus of the show’s third season.

Every shoe is one of Nike’s 80s throwback models, and aside from the Cortez—which looks like a kid’s shoe in any size—they look fantastic, with the Hawkins Blazer a definite highlight.

There’ll also be some apparel.

The Hawkins line will be out on June 27, with the July 4 stuff coming on July 1.