The official trailer for Netflix’s The Cuphead Show! just dropped and, much like the visually stunning (and brutally difficult) game it’s based on, it’s bursting at the seams with all of the charm and whimsy of a ‘30s cartoon.
The two-minute trailer opens with Cuphead and his brother Mugman lackadaisically painting a fence before Cuphead decides the two of them need some “fun and adventure.” That quickly turns to misadventure as the pair dodge wall-shattering punches from boxing frogs, almost have their souls sucked into a skee-ball machine, and encounter King Dice and the Devil.
Not only does this fast-paced trailer give us a glimpse of the hit game’s supporting characters Ms. Chalice and the overall-wearing shopkeep Porkrind, but we also got a release date for the cartoon which is right around the corner. The show is set to hit the streaming service on February 18.
Read More: Cuphead Is Getting An Animated Netflix Series
Cuphead getting its own cartoon feels apt given that the art style of Studio MDHR’s game was inspired by 1930s cartoons. In an interview with IGN, studio heads and Cuphead creators Jared and Chad Moldenhauer said the cartoon won’t be a kids show, but a show for all ages. Although the Moldenhaur brothers painstakingly worked on drawing every frame of animation in the game, they won’t be putting pen to paper, or computer screen, for the Netflix cartoon. The Cuphead Show! is animated in-house by Netflix and produced by King Features Syndicate, the license holders for Popeye and Betty Boop.
“It’s safe to say that [the showrunners are] aiming for the same kind of vibe that the game hints at. They’ll be taking that idea and expanding it,” Chad told IGN.
Read More: Cuphead: The Kotaku Review
Cuphead, the game, was a long time coming. For a while there it felt like the grandchildren of today’s gamers would be the first to play the run-and-gun game, considering how often Cuphead was shown off at E3 conferences without a hard confirmed release date. So it’s gratifying that now we not only have Cuphead available to play on all platforms, but an exciting-looking cartoon come February that will give us more of the game’s captivating visuals and distinctly old-school cartoon shenanigans.