Folklore and Genji developers Game Republic have signed on with Namco Bandai for two games, the already revealed Clash of the Titans and an all-new game, currently known as Majin: The Fallen Realm.
That original adventure game is bound for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2010, a cooperative adventure featuring a young thief and an AI-controlled monster, the eponymous Majin. Namco Bandai describes Majin: The Fall Realm as featuring a "new fusion of stealth and action adventure," with the hero and his monstrous sidekick forced to work together to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles.
While watching the presentation for Majin: The Fallen Realm, we were instantly reminded of the work of Team ICO, which looks to feature similar gameplay mechanics in its upcoming game The Last Guardian. What's more, Majin: The Fallen Realm looked to feature a similar artistic style and setting, with bits of developer Game Republic's visual flair factored in.
The game's executive director, Yoshiki Okamoto, is probably best known for his work on Street Fighter II and Resident Evil for Capcom. We'll see if he and the Game Republic crew can live up to the press release promise of "perfectly refined stress-free gameplay" next year.