Yesterday, it was Star Ocean 4 designer Yoshinori Yamagishi going on about how video game storytelling could exceed books or film. Today, it's Mad Max director George Miller. Tomorrow? Who knows.
According to the filmmaker, "Games were the poor cousin to feature films when it came to storytelling but I think it's flipping. Games allow you be much more like a novelist."
He goes on to describe the title as a "hybrid game", adding that he's interested in both the game-play and the emotional investment. "I'm curious how much you can engage with the characters through the game-play," Miller says. "It's the opportunity to make a novel."
Miller has teamed with God of War II director Cory Barlog for an upcoming Mad Max game. Last fall, Barlog stated that he had no idea when actual production on the game would begin. Miller presently states that they are still in the early stages of writing an designing.
When can we expect the game? Says Miller, "A really good game you need two and half years." So, pencil you in for late 2011, then?
Mad Max Director: Games Surpassing Films In Storytelling Potential [Mulitplayer]