A patch went out today for Left 4 Dead that adds improvements to the HUD when you play as a zombie in versus mode. Speculation also is that it lays the foundation for the upcoming Crash Course campaign.
The most notable content addition is a timer in the Zombie HUD that counts down the special attack recharge of the other infecteds you're playing with.
Curiously, the in-game achievements menu now reads "X of 60" unlocked. Before this patch, there were 50 achievements. No names of these achievements or Gamerscore for them are yet available, but it seems the patch has reset the achievement flags in advance of adding new ones. I'm showing "1 of 60" in the game's achievement menu. In the dashboard, it shows me with 16 of 50. So something's up here.
There's a Game With Fame tonight tomorrow night (thanks Komrade Kayce) with the band Paramore, and we earlier reported that the GWF announcement mentioned it is an opportunity to play Crash Course. That still has not hit the Xbox Live Marketplace.
This patch, of course, is free. Thanks to tipster Sean S. for the heads-up to the heads-up display. The L4D forums are buzzing as you can imagine. Go there to read more.
L4D Title Update Just Hit 360 [Steam Users' Forums]