A Game With Fame announcement on Xbox Live offers the chance to play Left 4 Dead's Crash Course on Sept. 23. "Chance to play" doesn't necessarily mean "release date," but the DLC was promised in September.
Here's the announcement:
If you're an Xbox LIVE Gold Member (if not, upgrade now! ), and you want a chance to play the new Crash Course add-on for Left 4 Dead, send a friend request to the following Gamertag and be online half an hour before (5:30 P.M. Central Time) the Game with Fame session starts on Wednesday, September 23, at 6:00 P.M. CT.
• Paramore GWF
I hate parsing semantics as much as the next guy, but if this said, "a chance to play Crash Course with Paramore" I'd view it as more certain that the add-on was arriving Sept. 23 or earlier, because the pitch would be assuming you already had Crash Course. The way I read it, who knows, this might be giving a free preview to a lucky few. But I've never really heard of GWF doing that kind of thing before, so who knows, really.
In the end, Sept. 23 is seven days away from the end of the month, so if it's not this date, there aren't many others left.
Oh, Paramore is a band from Franklin, Tenn. They've been nominated for Grammys. I'm sure they appreciate being second banana to DLC, but hey, them's the brokes.
Game With Fame - Play Paramore in Left 4 Dead [Xbox Live via Destructoid]