To: Ash
From: Crecente
Re: Alright, Tea Or Coffee?
As you may recall, back in November I started talking about creating a weekly column on Kotaku that could service multiple purposes. I wanted it to be something that touched on the big news of the week and expounded upon it to look at the bigger impacts. Something, I hoped, that could step back from the rigors of our post-every-20-minutes schedule to look more thoughtfully at a subject.
I also hoped to write the column with both a blog and newspaper audience in mind. You of all people know how difficult that can be. So I played around with the idea for a few months and finally kicked off Well Played in January. The response has been pretty good so far and I've been able to write on some interesting topics. What's most surprised me is how much Kotaku's readership thirsted for a place to discuss the week's news, despite having plenty of places to talk about the day's or the hour's news.
I designed the column with a bit of help from some of my newspaper friends, making sure to try and balance the tone and keep it to a length agreeable to a newspaper. Why? Because I wanted to have the column syndicated for use in print.
I waited until we had a decent number of columns under our belt before approaching anyway and it looks like my patience just paid off. Today we signed a deal with the McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. They will be distributing the column as part of a weekly package to their 1,200 media clients worldwide.
Syndication Achievement Unlocked. Trophy Earned. Something Wii Related.
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