Ambition | TOKYO JAPAN: Akina Minami shows off her new threads. (Photo: Game Watch Impress)
Resident Evil: Retribution Trailer? No, You Mean Blatant Sony Ad.
Movie trailers are for hyping upcoming flicks. That's their raison d'etre. The Resident Evil: Retribution preview did more than that: it's also flogging Sony hardware. More »
You Might Soon be Playing Games on Your Car Window
When I was a kid, on long road trips I had to look out the window and like it. When I worked in childcare, kids would go home with a Game Boy in their hands. More »
Government Affirms Mom's Right to Confiscate PS3 Until Piano Practice is Finished
The police in Lake Oswego, Ore., a Portland suburb, pride themselves on the motto "no call is too small." And they took one, yesterday, that comes straight from the Sheriff Andy Taylor manual of community policing.
Yesterday, an 11-year-old picked up the phone and dialed 911 to report that his... More »
Will the Death Blog Lady Kill this Noodle Restaurant?
Noodol Cafe isn't your typical ramen joint. You could buy the noodles at any old supermarket. You could even make them at home, within minutes.
What makes Noodol Cafe stand out is its gimmick. More »
Look How Far We've Come! These Are Computer Graphics from the 1980s.
It's only been three decades, but it might as well have been three hundred. These Japan Computer Graphics Lab demo reels show just how far computer graphics have come in such a short span of time. More »
Whoah, What is This Deus Ex Movie? It Looks Incredible!
A video turned up on YouTube today saying it was behind-the-scenes footage of a Deus Ex "Live Action Short Film". And it looks way too slick/expensive to be a fan film.
The credits at the end list it as being the work of Enso Productions, a professional "Action Design Team". More »
Why Conker Went From Cute to Crass
Rare's Conker used to be a nice little squirrel. He was cute, he had polite friends, and he was going to be starring in a very Nintendo platformer for a Nintendo console.
Yet as you probably know, that's not how things ended up.
In the late 90s, as Rare was following up their success with... More »
How Activision Reacted to that Giant Modern Warfare 3 Leak
Last year, we blew the lid off Modern Warfare 3 months before it was due for release. It was the biggest leak we'd seen, let alone written about, in almost a decade.
It was, in short, one hell of a story. More »
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