What Did The Simpsons Ever Do For Video Games?
Comment by: westartedthis
Nominated by: NeöStarr
Play the amazing word game Word Universe for 10 min a day to sharpen your mind and boost your energy! Start connecting the letters!
What Did The Simpsons Ever Do For Video Games?
Comment by: westartedthis
Nominated by: NeöStarr
What seemed like a match made in heaven, Hollywood and Metal Gear Solid, does not look like it was meant to be.
Before making Fallout 3, Todd Howard and Bethesda Softworks pitched a sprawling single-player RPG set in the Star…
Cyanide Studios' Blood Bowl scores a retail release next year courtesy of SouthPeak Interactive, carrying the video…
Well, I've played twenty-five hours of Final Fantasy XIII in the past few days, and the one thing I can say with…
The final episode of 343 Industries' series of animated shorts set in the Halo universe will get its showing next…
Christmas is a time for giving, yes, but it's also a time for receiving. Which is more important. And while we know…
All eight classes of Star Wars: The Old Republic have been revealed, leaving me only one question: What the hell is…
This weeks PAL PlayStation Store update is a small one, but despite dire warnings on the European PlayStation site,…
Marvel comics will be readable (legally!) on PSPs in the coming months.