I am sure I will get a lot of flak for this, but I like the Harry Potter movies. It's my guilty pleasure. Hell, I…
I am sure I will get a lot of flak for this, but I like the Harry Potter movies. It's my guilty pleasure. Hell, I…
Except there's not much to tell. Yet. Just yesterday it was announced that Epic Games would be joining EA as one of…
Tecmo has announced its list of E3 2008 wares and there's nary a trademark D-cup nor a ninja in sight, as each of…
SouthPeak's Xbox Live Arcade adorable bear-creature puzzler Roogoo is now available for the PC wherever fine PC…
Rather Awesome GameFly Deals Tempt Us To Buy Used Games. I happen to prefer my games to remain unmolested by the unwashed masses, but GameFly's little blow out on used titles like Mass Effect, Devil May Cry 4 and Burnout Paradise, each just $19.99 shipped, is tempting. Mint cases and manuals are certainly attractive,… Read more
If there was one word that made grade-school Leigh suddenly fake appendicitis on the floor in gym class, it was Dodge…
From Tim Rogers' ActionButton.net comes an enormously lengthy "late to the party" BioShock review, just on the heels…
When 15-year-old Olivier Baptiste refused to hand over the video game he was playing to his 18-year-old friend…