Now playing ReviewsStarCraft II: Legacy of the Void: The Kotaku ReviewHow to review a game like StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void? Where do you even start? Do you try to figure out how it fits into today’s landscape of competitive multiplayer games? Do you ask whether it makes for a worthy conclusion to the story that…Jason Schreier
CultureCultureThe Week In Games: This Tuesday We RiotThe revolution will be televised and also portable. Tonight We Riot releases this week on Switch. ByZack ZwiezenPublishedMay 4, 2020
CultureCultureFinal Fantasy III Designer Wasn’t Particularly Into Moogles, ActuallyIn honor of Final Fantasy III’s 30th anniversary, Square Enix recently published an extensive interview with…ByIan WalkerPublishedApril 29, 2020
OpinionOpinionPokémon Scientists Have A Very Hard JobThe first thing every player sees when starting a new game of Pokémon Red or Blue is the pixelated image of a…ByMike SholarsPublishedApril 24, 2020
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CultureCultureCombo Breaker Cancels Fighting Game Tournament For 2020This year’s highly anticipated Combo Breaker fighting game tournament, originally scheduled for May 22-24, has been…ByIan WalkerPublishedMarch 31, 2020
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CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryWhy Can't The Doomguy Break Windows?The Doomguy is an incredibly strong and powerful warrior who can smash through concrete walls, rip off limbs and…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedMarch 22, 2020
CultureCulturePoor Pay, Abuse, And Harassment: How The World's Biggest Wizard School Lost Its MagicEditor’s Note: This story has been updated to include details relating to the allegations that a Dziobak writer had…ByElizabeth BallouPublishedMarch 20, 2020
CultureCultureAnimal Crossing Taught Me How To Be An AdultMuch of the time, but especially right now, the world doesn’t feel like it makes a whole lot of sense. It’s chaotic,…ByJasmine G.PublishedMarch 18, 2020