Hot on the heels of Michael Lau's take on Snake as a vinyl collectible comes toy company Medicom's effort, with this…
Hot on the heels of Michael Lau's take on Snake as a vinyl collectible comes toy company Medicom's effort, with this…
The Witcher Uncensored For North America
Comment by: Instant_Awesome
Nominated by: Curse_Lily
DJ Hero's turntable controller twittered out this week, later confirmed by Activision and compared (by your humble…
Watchmen's out this week. Not interested? You may instead want to spend those hard-earned Pounds/Euros/Dollars on…
This week's North American PlayStation Store cannot escape the watch of the Watchmen, as Watchmen: The End Is Nigh…
Xbox Live Marketplace accidentally received extra Burnout Paradise downloadable content this morning, revealing…
When we were children, we wanted two things: a Super Mario Bros. movie and a Final Fantasy fighting game; we got one…
Triad Toys makes Soul Calibur fans' dreams come true with the upcoming release of their 12 inch rendition of the…
All your life you have been told that it is better to give than to receive, but if someone were to put a gun to your…
At this point I am convinced the guys at Criterion have just gone completely batshit insane. They've introduced…