It was obvious that an anime reimagining of Blade Runner by the director of Cowboy Bebop would be killer, but it…
It was obvious that an anime reimagining of Blade Runner by the director of Cowboy Bebop would be killer, but it…
Back in 2015, Hasbro asked Transformers fans to choose between Autobot Omega Supreme and Decepticons Scorponok and…
Every year, the Evolution Championship Series descends on Las Vegas, bringing with it the largest collection of…
McFarlane Toys really lucked out with the Destiny license. Not only does it get to make some cool figures and…
When a game is as pretty as Destiny can be, it deserves more than some Mega Bloks sets. McFarlane Toys sets things…
DC Super Hero Girls versus Pokémon. Funko Pop! vinyls versus Lego Disney minifigures. Fossil Hunter Lottie versus…
More players are dying in the depths of World of Warcaft’s Gnomeregan dungeon than there’ve been in years, thanks to…
Depending what part of an Uncharted game you see him in, Nathan Drake is either a wisecracking dude clinging to a…
Virtual Toys, aka VTS, does not have the license to be making toys based on Mad Max, but their “Wasteland Ranger”…