AverageHarry, a 15 year-old aspiring Twitch streamer from the UK, was in spitting distance of his dream. He’d had a…
AverageHarry, a 15 year-old aspiring Twitch streamer from the UK, was in spitting distance of his dream. He’d had a…
Considered part of the Quintet Creation Trilogy, Terranigma was the culminating tour de force from the Japanese…
Today, a handful of my colleagues have published PlayStation 5 impressions, detailing where the power button is, how…
Today, Nintendo dropped a 16-minute Direct Mini, focused on third-party games. While not as earth-shattering as juicy…
Sam is a 20 year-old college student who says he felt deceived by military recruitment efforts at his own high…
Although I’ve been made aware of the major story beats in Final Fantasy VII over the years through osmosis, Remake…
It’s been a bad year for great games, but a great year for good ones.
There are too many amazing JRPGs in the 16-bit era to crown one the best. But there is a pantheon that includes…
No matter how much one dives into the lore of The Legend Of Zelda Majora’s Mask, establishing absolutes about what…
I’m about to go away for a week, vacationing far from my PS4. I’ve been trying to use the last few days to get the…