Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.
Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.
Maybe video games are stupid. Maybe they're junk or trash or action movies, at best. Perhaps they are not at all…
Sonic the Hedgehog's dalliance with episodic gaming seems to have been a bit of a dud, with Sega revealing that…
Why are so many games just copies of past games? Who is responsible for this state of affairs? Does the industry…
The Game Developers Conference is nearly done. And what have I learned?
It's a simple question: Can you be a girl in Minecraft? Spy Party developer Chris Hecker asked that of Markus…
A second day of the Game Developers Conference ended sometime in the blurry evening several hours ago. The day had…
There is new hope for the survival of an American sentenced to death in Iran for spying today, as Iran has…
There were a lot of things to love about the No One Lives Forever games. The groovy music, the fresh-feeling 60's…
This is a little bit niche, but if you'd like to have some truly cool, distinctive posters for your dorm room or…