OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryStar Wars Revealing More Jedi Survived Doesn't Mean Order 66 FailedThe franchise's iconic space monks were never completely wiped out, despite what Yoda saidByZack ZwiezenPublishedJune 6, 2023
CulturePokemonCulturePokemonWhat Your Favorite Pokémon Game Says About You: Brutal Callout EditionFrom Red to Blue, here’s what your favorite Pokémon game says about you. Like, as a personByKenneth ShepardPublishedMay 29, 2023
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CultureNewsCultureNewsWait, Kurt Busiek & Mike Mignola Made A Final Fantasy Comic??!!It was never released, but Square's plans for the comic were a big sliding doors momentByLuke PlunkettPublishedApril 30, 2023
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsCrime Boss: Rockay City Is So Bad The Culture Has Rejected It EntirelyThere is a dark, looming void in the space where a video game was supposed to beByLuke PlunkettPublishedApril 26, 2023
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OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryHogwarts Legacy Proves Harry Potter Should Leave Slytherin BehindSlytherin’s persistence throughout Harry Potter media reflects the franchise’s larger ethical issuesByKenneth ShepardPublishedApril 5, 2023
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