E3, a show in which the future of gaming pretends to be in the present, is in the past. Those demos that may or may…
Today Nintendo closed out the 2018 E3 press gauntlet with a streamed conference that was largely focused on Super…
It’s May the 4th, and that means there’s no better time to talk about one of the best racing games ever: Star Wars…
Sometimes, sharing a game can give you a whole new perspective on it.
Today from 10am to 6pm Pacific (1pm-9pm Eastern), Kirk and I will be streaming video games. We’ll be speedrunning Sup…
Today, Nintendo officially announced that Super Smash Bros. is coming to Switch. Equally exciting: the original Luigi…
A few hours into Titanfall 2’s unexpectedly fantastic single-player campaign, there’s a mission where everything…
I’m blown away by Horizon Zero Dawn’s breathtaking landscapes, dinosaur-mecha battles, and its emotionally powerful…