Nathan Kuruna has been driving across America - racking up hundreds of hours of interview footage - all in the…
A game for the Game Master handheld
Nathan Kuruna has been driving across America - racking up hundreds of hours of interview footage - all in the…
I've always been quite sensitive to certain types of friction. (I considered writing that sentence 10 different…
In games there are three basic ways we experience architecture: as game design, as a personalized space, or through…
I can't think of another game so destroyed by its dialogue as Splinter Cell: Conviction; not by bad lines alone…
Prince of Persia. Prince of Persia has a new game coming out. New movie, too. It's set in Persia, Persia has sand.…
My current least favorite part of the modern video game is when it tells me to stop having fun for a few minutes so…
Who wants to talk about video games? Well take it somewhere else, pal! We got off topic things to discuss tonight!…
The iPad games are live on iTunes now — more than 700 of them. We may not have an iPad, but it doesn't mean we are…
Impertinent remarks - calling Sony's motion controller "Arc" and the ESRB's bluntly accurate description of the…
What game could Nintendo have possibly chosen as the 500th downloadable title for the Wii? It would have to be…