There’s a new treasure hunter in town and his name is Captain Toad.
There’s a new treasure hunter in town and his name is Captain Toad.
Recently released in Japan, Captain Toad is a cute little Super Mario 3D World spin-off about collecting coins,…
In the original Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, there is a hot springs in Lavaridge Town. Players could go and soak in…
A few weeks ago, the long-running manga series Naruto ended at chapter 700. And as it has been one of the most…
We've got a ton of great peripheral deals today, the highlights though (at least for gamers) are the Razer…
The spiraling shape will make you go insane, but everyone wants to eat that crazy thing. Today Pizza Hut launches…
Oh, the lengths we go to be beautiful—not frightening. Beautiful.
I fell in love with To the Moon back in late 2012 after I picked it up in a Steam sale. It is easily one of the most…
With the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition today, now is the perfect time to take an in-depth look at the anime…
When was the last time a video game told you about a whole other culture? Took you somewhere remote you'd only heard…