If I were to sum up OneChanbara Z2: Chaos in four words, they would be “blood,” “swords,” “zombies,” and…
If I were to sum up OneChanbara Z2: Chaos in four words, they would be “blood,” “swords,” “zombies,” and…
Or, perhaps, truly depressing. It might depend on which console you own in Japan. That, or even if you own a home…
On November 28, the first "cafe type" KFC will open in Kobe, Japan. And it even serves pancakes and coffee. What…
While the release of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire is right around the corner, Japan's CoroCoro Comic…
Want to see some of the most amazing, well-choreographed fights animation has to offer? Then RWBY season two is…
Blizzard's Overwatch is, in the grand scheme of shooters, kinda simple. Each character has one weapon, levels are…
Recently, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata appeared at a company shareholders meeting. He looked quite…
Going into OneChanbara Z2: Chaos, I was expecting a lot of fanservice and some surprisingly enjoyable…
I'm in a quiet room. My coworkers type away at their keyboards on a slow Saturday morning and then their attention…
Director Masahiro Sakurai reflects on his workload on the latest Super Smash Bros., and holy hell, what a workload…