This week, there's a good amount of solid stuff new at the PlayStation store; it ain't the horn of plenty that we've…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Silent Night
There is a 'presence' haunting the long forgotten church of 'Northfield'. Angry spirits seek revenge for an ancient crime, from the terrible time of The Black Death. Ghost-hunter, Nigel Danvers, has been sent to investigate the case, using his kitbag of ghost-hunting gadgets, on the loneliest night of the year.
This week, there's a good amount of solid stuff new at the PlayStation store; it ain't the horn of plenty that we've…
All my friend wanted was a simple, get-rid-of-it-on-Craigslist estimate for an original Xbox, two controllers, and…
I was designing a user interface for someone else's social game the other day, and I was completely oblivious that…
When you first spin up BioShock Infinite later this year don't expect to see the recently-announced retro-difficult…
Looking back on the list of video games I finished in 2011, it's an embarrassingly thin roster. It may be my least…
Despite the fact that many folks have been playing Minecraft since the fall of 2010, I'm counting it as a 2011 game.…
Some people think video games qualify as works of art. People like the Supreme Court. Like other great forms of…
The road to 343 Industries' Halo 4 begins today with the release of Halo: Glasslands, the beginning of a new series…
It arrived a week ago. I put it on and zipped up and saw myself in the full-length mirror, looking like the bastard…
Good ol' commenter Uncle Jesse returns to the Speak Up on Kotaku spotlight today, wondering if any of you actually…