There are clones of video games, and then there are clones of video games so shameless that you wonder how the hell…
A retro Flash shooter game in space.
There are clones of video games, and then there are clones of video games so shameless that you wonder how the hell…
Last month, Luke brought us this little nugget of gold from the interwebs called 300 Heroes—a shameless League of…
In February I speculated that perhaps a sex and name change would be enough to throw Nintendo's legal team off the…
Ruby Blast, Zynga's color-matching game that started life as a shameless clone of Bejeweled's Diamond Mine mode, has…
This week Zynga released its The Sims Social clone The Ville on Facebook. This morning I started up the game with…
Onechanbara Z Kagura is the latest budget title in a long series of budget titles. Originally part of the Simple…
Minority Report slowly comes into focus... | Attendees at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas go hands-on…
Sometimes a blatant clone of another game can be a terrible thing, other times, as contradictory as it is to say,…
It's one of those quirks of history that Nintendo, a company synonymous with colourful characters and fun video…
A Final Snow | Colorado treated us to a beautiful morning snow today. It's probably the last I'll see here before…