When the Dragon Ball Z anime premiered in April of 1989, it was a mere six months behind its Dragon Ball manga…
Rumble Road features a motley crew of wrestlers zigzagging across the United States, building their fanbase, and maintaining their relationships with each other on their way to the biggest event of the year.
When the Dragon Ball Z anime premiered in April of 1989, it was a mere six months behind its Dragon Ball manga…
Dr. Mario has fired his brother, Dr. Luigi, and now has control over the clinic once more and he is ready to start…
The Nintendo Switch is a piece of hardware with a lot going on. It’s a console. It’s a handheld. It’s got tons of…
Destiny 2 launched exactly six months ago today, though at times it feels more like six years. A bunch has changed…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: In September, Bungie releases an online first-person shooter. A few months and a…
Say you have a friend who’s always had a mustache. He’s the mustache guy. You’ve known him for like, ten years, and…
Recently, I learned a well-kept secret about Mine Cart Carnage, the eighth level of Donkey Kong Country for the…
For the past five days, I’ve spent nearly as much time in virtual reality as real reality. My calves ache and my…
For the 10th year in a row (!), I’ve tallied the games I played in the past 12 months and have counted the ones I’ve…
Pro wrestling injuries suck for the wrestlers who get hurt. For everyone else, they are, weirdly, a good thing.…