You can find an explainer for just about anything these days. Search for the title of any game, movie, or TV show in…
You can find an explainer for just about anything these days. Search for the title of any game, movie, or TV show in…
My Outer Wilds journey had me awash in emotions from fear to joy to sadness. There was one discovery, however, that…
Developer PlatinumGames does fast and stylish action incredibly well, and the Nintendo Switch exclusive Astral Chain…
Resident Evil is one of the biggest and most important names in video game horror. The first three games in Capcom’s…
Earlier this week, Defiant Development shared the unfortunate news that the studio would be shuttering, citing the…
When I think back to my childhood and teenage years, when my literary tastes were being forged in the crucible of…
The Game Bakers, makers of the boss-rush game Furi, are back with a gameplay trailer for their upcoming project, Haven. It centers on a couple who have escaped to a strange planet together and set out to explore it. Aside from looking gorgeous it’s also giving me major Gravity Rush vibes.
One Friday afternoon a few weeks ago, the developers at Treyarch held a happy hour event to welcome the summer…
It’s strange to play the original Devil May Cry in 2019. You can see the places where it was going to be the next Res…
There was a time I was obsessed with American urban legends, especially the horror-themed ones. Learning more about…