I’m a big fan of action games, and the cream of the crop is Devil May Cry. The series has always had the right mix…
I’m a big fan of action games, and the cream of the crop is Devil May Cry. The series has always had the right mix…
Hyrule Warriors came out for the Nintendo Wii U in 2014. It came out for the Nintendo 3DS in 2016. In 2018, Nintendo…
Giant robots and snow-covered landscapes are great science fiction, and we’re getting both of those in this week’s…
Overwatch got its spring event yesterday, which includes a new player-versus-environment mode where players can take…
It’s spring. Can you believe it? We could go outside and look at blooming flowers. Or...we could stay inside and…
If you play Fortnite, chances are extremely good that by the end of any given match, you will have at least two…
What’s your first gaming memory? Is it your dad’s Atari 2600? Struggling to figure out how to use the controller on…
Have you ever wanted to star in your own samurai film? Well, you can, thanks to Samurai Film—and do so at Haneda…
The Longest Five Minutes presents its basic fantasy tale as a series of flashbacks experienced by its amnesiac main…