Artist Ray Tatsumi has done an exhaustive in-depth study of Japanese maid outfits, tracing their origins from the UK…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Morning Men
Take a trip back to the golden age of science fiction as Morning Men blends an out-of-this-world story with point-and-click adventuring and turn-based JRPG-style combat. Each character has his or her own traits, which can be changed based on your decisions made throughout your adventure. Help, hurt, or even ruin one of your companions lives by either masterfully or carelessly picking your next narrative step.
Artist Ray Tatsumi has done an exhaustive in-depth study of Japanese maid outfits, tracing their origins from the UK…
First time visitors notice them right away: Sickness masks. People in Japan wear them for numerous reasons,…
Yesterday, a 33-year-old employee at High-Tec Sega Kasai game center in Tokyo phoned the police, saying there was a…
This past week, 18-year-old Kim “Geguri” Se-yeon took to Twitter to say that she felt ugly and fat. This is pretty…
In 1990, Bill Watterson created a Calvin and Hobbes storyline in which Calvin is bullied into playing baseball…
Since last fall, there have been a couple isolated incidents of YouTubers holding signs that read, “Free oppai”…
Years ago, at an outdoor bar in Brooklyn, my best friend and I were enjoying whiskey drinks when two well-groomed…
Last night’s Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 action at the inaugural Evo Japan was incredible, but it was the lead-up to the…
Over the past few months, BioWare has essentially transformed into a single-game studio as it harnesses its teams to…
Soon, winter anime will begin broadcasting. Here are the 20 anime that folks in Japan are looking forward to the…