Midwinter is a post-apocalyptic first-person action role-playing game with strategy and survival elements for the Atari ST, Amiga and PC. It was designed by Mike Singleton and was released in 1989 by Microplay Software. The game was critically acclaimed and commercially successful enough to get a sequel titled Flames of Freedom in 1991. A remake (as of April 2014) is currently in development.
QUOTE | “The actions by management from these different companies - from ArenaNet to Riot, Rockstar, Telltale, all…
Today, CD Projekt Red co-CEO Marcin Iwiński and the directors of Gwent laid out the studio’s six month plan to rehab…
Today Gwent’s development team apologized to fans for how the latest patch was implemented. December’s Midwinter Update added lots of cards and also overhauled the game’s look and feel, a combination the team now says was a mistake. A hot fix last week addressed some of the problems.
This week the Midwinter Update for Gwent, CD Projeckt Red’s card game based off The Witcher 3, finally went live. Gwe…
Gwent’s midwinter update is out today on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. The Witcher 3-based card game is getting balancing tweaks as well as some new features like adaily quest system and new deck builder interface. The game’s third holiday event, Midwinter Hunt, is also live. You can find the complete patch notes here.
Blackhand, the final boss of Blackrock Foundry, Warlords of Draenor's second raid, is a tough guy. The raid's…
World of Warcraft's second level 100 raid, Blackrock Foundry, finally opened its gates on every difficulty, which…