CultureCultureFallout 76 Camp Tortures Players With MathIf you thought Fallout 76 couldn’t get any more nihilistic, there’s now a campsite that burns players alive if they…ByEthan GachPublishedJanuary 8, 2020
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6/21/19Neon-Soaked Shooter Amid Evil Really Hits The SpotSometimes, you just wanna play a damn shooter. You want some gnarly weapons, some mazes to wander in, and no…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedJune 21, 2019
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4/5/19Photographs Is A Clever Puzzle Game With A Disturbing, Misguided StoryFor the first two hours I spent with it, Photographs came close to being one of my favorite puzzle games of the…ByJoshua RiveraPublishedApril 5, 2019
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2/9/19Now playing The Swords of Ditto's Brilliant Twist Makes Me Want To Finish More GamesLeaving games unfinished is a practice I recently developed. God of War? 75% done. Persona 5? It’s forever November…ByNarelle Ho SangPublishedFebruary 9, 2019