The initial technological threat in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is Metal Gear RAY. It is an “anti-Metal…
The initial technological threat in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is Metal Gear RAY. It is an “anti-Metal…
Seventeen-year-old Smash Ultimate prodigy Sota “Zackray” Okada clutched out his first No. 1 placement at a U.S. Smash…
In 2014, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, beloved among the Super Smash Bros. competitive community,…
Everybody calls Rob Kuntz last, he says. Those who want to know about the history of Dungeons & Dragons start with…
Among the greatest video game debates—should hard games lower their difficulties? What’s the best controller?—is one…
What surprised me most about Pagan Online, a new action role-playing game that launched on Steam Early Access last…
I’ll make a deal with you, Nintendo: I will promise to buy any console that you release, if you will promise to…
Nintendo’s removal of the “taunt” option in Smash Ultimate online play has sparked an outbreak of one of gaming’s…
It’s fun enough to play regular old timed or stock matches in Smash, but players have also been making their own…
Since Smash Ultimate’s launch, a debate has been brewing among fans new and old: Is the fighter-unlocking system in S…