Tonight in Los Angeles, a bunch of game developers won well-deserved honors for the games they released in 2017. A…
Tonight in Los Angeles, a bunch of game developers won well-deserved honors for the games they released in 2017. A…
The journey of StarTropics was as varied as it was challenging, taking players from the tropical islands of the…
Today on Highlight Reel we have animal nightmare glitches, lucky window kills, grabby passengers and much more!
There are definitely some games coming out this week.
Dream Daddy is a cute game about cute dads that’s marred by some really uncute mini games.
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, BLOOD, SWEAT, AND PIXELS, which comes out on September 5 and tells the…
This weekend’s big Evolution Championship Series of tournaments for huge fighting games like Street Fighter V and…
In 2012, as work on Mass Effect 3 came to a close, a small group of top BioWare employees huddled to talk about the…
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia normally provides a solid challenge, but the latest downloadable content…