Most of your time in Subnautica is spent deciding whether to listen to your curiosity or your terror. It’s a tough…
a good haul this year
Most of your time in Subnautica is spent deciding whether to listen to your curiosity or your terror. It’s a tough…
Food is such an important part of our lives, so I’m always curious about its portrayal in games, especially the…
They Are Billions pits a steampunk village against a giant zombie horde. While it might look like a reskinned Age of…
The makers of cat-watching mobile game Neko Atsume dropped a new game about a frog that goes on adventures. It’s…
Most years, I find whittling a best-of list down to just 10 entries a tortuous process. Not so in 2017, because in…
For Monster Hunter fans, the way that you describe the game to others has never really lined up with how it actually…
I was trimming the weeds on my overgrown Stardew Valley farm when I heard a mumbled “Canal Street” over the subway…
I’ve been playing through Deadly Premonition and Binary Domain on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. One is an offbeat crime…