I’m deleting Merge Dragons from my phone the second I publish this article. The urge I have to keep it is the main…
a good haul this year
I’m deleting Merge Dragons from my phone the second I publish this article. The urge I have to keep it is the main…
Introduced in last week’s update, Warfronts are a new feature in World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth expansion.…
Real-time strategy games have grown into vast, complex affairs over the years, but Bad North isn’t interested in…
Ever landed on a planet in No Man’s Sky, minding your own business, mining some carbon, when a sentinel comes over,…
Sometimes you go into a game demo, and it’s just absolutely not what you were expecting.
I think we all took the Xbox 360 for granted. Other all-time greats like the SNES and PS2 seem to be remembered more…
Yes, the new Command & Conquer game EA announced at E3 2018 is a free-to-play online only mobile game. This news is…
Just because you don’t have access to the fanciest gear around doesn’t mean you have to play subpar games. Even if…
A good game of Subterfuge can last weeks as players seek to steal territory and destroy their opponents. It’s a…
Metal Gear Survive is wreckage of the long battle between the series’ lead creator, Hideo Kojima, and Konami, his…